

This Powerful "Compression Hack" Instantly delivers crisp, pure contact... Unlocking the hidden power in your swing so you can FINALLY...


starting with Your VERY Next Swing.

just 3 Simple adjustments turn Your weak, inconsistent shots into fully compressed missiles that EXPLODE off the clubface and...

Add 10, 15, Even 20 Yards of Effortless Distance to Your Irons…
Permanently Eliminate Chunks, Tops, And Thins…
And Consistently Make Crisp, Clean Contact…

Whether You’re a Club Champion Or Complete Beginner, Learn How To Compress The Ball Like A Pro - Without Overhauling Your Swing Or Grinding Away On The Range...

Hi, I’m PGA Professional Zach Allen, and I’m about to teach you 3 simple adjustments that will turn your weak, inconsistent iron shots... into perfectly flush, fully compressed missiles...

That explode off your clubface with precision control…

And fly 15 to 20 yards farther, straight at the pin.

It doesn't matter if you’re an absolute beginner... or have been playing for decades…

When you implement these 3 simple adjustments…

You can't HELP but make insanely flush contact on your very next swing

Now I know that sounds like a big promise, but I’ve seen these 3 simple adjustments produce game-changing results in thousands of students on my lesson tee…

Where I’ve watched them go from hitting fat shots, thin shots, tops, and even shanks…

To making crisp, clean contact in the dead-center of the clubface.

And as you’ll see in just a moment… whether you realize it or not, there’s a very good chance you’ve ALREADY experienced this in your own game at one time or another.

It’s not a gimmick and it’s not a trick. These 3 adjustments work because they target the very foundation of great ball striking... addressing the root cause of your iron struggles so you can finally put an end to inconsistent, off-center hits, and...

start making perfectly flush contact that  sends the ball rocketing off the clubface... virtually overnight

So you can step up to the ball with complete confidence, knowing you have all the tools you need to consistently stripe your irons right at the pin.

No more HOPING you make solid contact…

No more desperately searching for answers…

And no more embarrassing tops, chunks, or skulls that go flying over the green.

Pay close attention, because you’re about to discover…

the real reason you struggle to make consistently solid contact with your irons...

And until you address this root cause, you’ll always struggle...

No matter how many lessons you take…

How many range balls you hit...

And definitely no matter how much you spend on training aids, equipment, or the latest fancy gear.

Because here’s the thing…

Even if you get everything else right… Even if you have a perfectly square club face… Deliver the club “from the inside”… Generate a ton of clubhead speed… And make dead-center contact on the sweet spot of the club…

If you haven’t addressed the root cause of your iron struggles…

You'll NEVER hit it perfectly flush.

But that's all about to change right now... because you're about to learn 3 simple adjustments that address the root cause, once and for all.

But first, I have to tell you how I discovered this ball striking breakthrough...

Studying the best ball striker of all time...

Long before I started coaching full time, I had a pretty successful amateur career.

I won over 40 junior tournaments, and climbed as high as #3 in the California junior golf rankings…

But of all the tournaments I played, there’s one that stands out above the rest…

It was the 1993 U.S. Junior Amateur, and it was the first time I played with Tiger Woods.

Now I had competed against some truly great players in those junior tournaments… many that have since gone on to play pro…

But even back then at the age of 17, Tiger was in a league of his own.

Watching him up close that day taught me a priceless lesson…

You see, as a young kid with my own dreams of going pro, I was eager to see how my game measured up.

I wanted to find the thing that set him apart… some glaring difference that I could focus on to improve my game.

Sure enough, every aspect of his game was better… His drives, his short game, his putting… it was all stronger than mine.

And yet, he never hit a shot where I thought to myself, “I could NEVER pull that off.”

There was, however, one STRIKING difference between our games…

The sound his irons made at impact.

It was unlike anything I’d ever heard on the golf course.




That sound is burned into my memory, even today. It was the sound of pure compression… a level of ball striking I could barely comprehend.

When I hit my irons it didn’t sound anything like that…

And that’s when it hit me… he was doing something very different at impact.

And I knew I had to figure out exactly what it was.

Tiger at the 1993 U.S. Junior Amateur... showing off some of that insane compression.

Until that day with Tiger, I hadn't thought too much about compression...

I knew what it was, of course… I knew it was a good thing… and I'd messed around with a couple drills...

But I’d mostly assumed it was just a byproduct of clubhead speed… something that would come naturally as I developed my swing.

Seeing Tiger changed EVERYTHING. I realized compression was something I needed to actively work on…

But even then, I had no idea just how important it was…

Because as I was about to discover…

Compression is The Foundation of great iron play

Have you ever seen those amazing slow motion closeup shots of impact? You know, the ones where the golf ball gets squeezed against the clubface?

That right there is compression, and it’s how energy transfers from your club to the ball…

Here’s how it works…

When the ball gets squeezed against the clubface, it acts like a powerful spring, storing the energy from your swing.

As it snaps back into shape, that stored energy is unleashed, launching the ball off the clubface with incredible speed.

This “spring” effect is what propels the ball forward… and the more you compress it, the more energy turns into ball speed.

Most golfers suffer from what I call “compression leakage.”

They’re not compressing the ball properly, so instead of that explosive launch, their shots come off dead...

These golfers often have plenty of swing speed, and maybe even a decent swing…

But without proper compression, they’re not transferring that energy to the ball.

The result? Weak, inconsistent shots that fall short of their potential.

Compression leakage is an absolute swing-killer

You can do everything else right…

You can have tour-worthy lag, silky-smooth tempo, and a perfectly square club face…

Textbook balance, tons of clubhead speed, and deliver the club from the inside…

But if you don’t compress the ball properly, it all goes to WASTE.

Which is why…

No matter how many lessons you take…

How many range balls you hit…

Or how many hours of YouTube videos you watch.

You'll Never hit high quality iron Shots until you properly compress the golf ball

That round of golf with Tiger changed my entire perspective on compression…

And from that moment on, it became my obsession.

I poured through every magazine, book, and video I could find, searching for any tip or technique that might help…

I worked with my coach and experimented with dozens of drills…

And I spent hundreds of hours grinding on the range.

It took some time to crack the code, but once I did, the results came FAST…

Almost immediately my contact improved… and then it just KEPT ON improving… 

Before I knew it I was hitting perfectly flush irons on virtually every swing.

As my contact improved, my yardages went up… 

First 5 yards, then 10, 15… even 20.

Compression took my game to a whole new level, and it’s been central to my teaching ever since.

I’ve studied the golf swing inside and out…

Tested countless drills on the lesson tee…

And I’ve spent the last three decades refining my approach… helping thousands of golfers…

create more compression and FINALLY start hitting perfectly flush irons

Whether you’re 21 or 81... club champion or complete beginner... you’ll never hit the shots you’re capable of if you don’t get compression.

But here’s the good news… creating compression is easier than you think. You don’t need to overhaul your swing or grind away for hours on the range.

In fact, with just a few, simple adjustments, you can turn your weak, glancing blows into perfectly compressed balls that explode off the clubface...

And start making crisp, flush contact, on your very next swing.

It all comes down to...

the 3 pillars of compression

Pillar #1: Forward Shaft Lean

The 1st Pillar of Compression is Forward Shaft Lean.

Let’s take a closer look to see how it works…

Out of all the clubs in your bag, your driver creates the most compression. And when you look at the image below, you can start to see why:

The low loft of your driver allows it to contact the ball up near its equator. This directs the full force of your swing straight into the ball.

Compare this to your wedge, where the higher loft delivers a glancing blow to the bottom side of the ball.

Notice the difference?

This, in a nutshell, is how forward shaft lean creates compression.

It turns your 7-iron into a 6-iron, lowering the loft for a more direct blow.

Forward shaft lean is one of the easiest ways to add compression to your golf swing…

The vast majority of amateurs don’t get nearly enough, and this one simple adjustment makes a HUGE difference.

Take a cue from the pros… one thing they ALL have in common is a ton of forward shaft lean at impact.

Pillar #2: Low Point

The 2nd Pillar of Compression is your low point.

The low point is the bottom of your swing, and for the typical amateur it’s either AT or in FRONT of the ball.

This causes you to hit UP on the ball, making it extremely difficult to find the sweet spot.

And it leaves you ZERO margin of error…

If your swing path is just a few millimeters too low, you’re grabbing the turf in front of the ball and hitting a chunk…

A few millimeters too high, you’re hitting it thin… Or even worse, skulling it over the back of the green!

Compare this to the average professional…

The low point of your average pro is 4 inches AFTER the ball. This creates a descending blow that allows you to hit ball first, then turf.

Notice how much easier it is to hit the sweet spot... You’ve got a huge margin of error that virtually eliminates the chunks and the thins.

And with no grass or dirt in the way, you can make crisp, clean contact that delivers your FULL clubhead speed right where it counts… directly into the back of the ball.

Pillar #3: Impact Leverage

Dialing in your Shaft Lean and Low Point will add serious compression to your game… And if you do nothing else, you’ll be ahead of 95% of the golfers out there.

But if you really want to crank up your compression, there’s one more key that can take your ball striking to an entirely new level.

The 3rd Pillar of Compression is what I call “Impact Leverage.”

I like to demonstrate this with a simple analogy...

Imagine you've got a long wrench and you're trying to loosen a bolt by your feet…

You’d have a tough time loosening the bolt holding the wrench like this…

Compare that to the torque you could generate by holding the wrench like this...

The difference between the two is obvious... it all comes down to leverage. 

And of course the same concept applies if we swap out the wrench for a club!

Impact leverage is about positioning yourself to create lots of leverage as your club moves through impact…

And it begins with your position as you approach impact...

I call it the “Perfect Delivery Position,” and you can see some great examples below:

The Perfect Delivery Position leads you right into a great impact position. Notice all of the great things Tiger is doing here to create compression and get leverage on the ball:

He’s got great forward shaft lean…

His low point is after the ball…

His weight has shifted forward…

And he’s pushing up hard from the ground with his lead leg.

These 3 Pillars will help you create massive amounts of compression in your golf swing...

And with just a few, simple adjustments... turn your weak, inconsistent iron shots...

Into Perfectly flush, fully compressed MISSILES that explode off your clubface...

Flying 15 to 20 yards farther, straight at the pin.

Just think about it...

How good is it going to feel when you permanently eliminate your chunks, tops, and thins…

And start delivering crisp, clean contact in the dead-center of the face...

When you’re stepping up to the ball with unshakable confidence, knowing your contact issues are a thing of the past…

No more HOPING you make solid contact...

No more worrying about embarrassing mis-hits…

And no more overthinking.

Imagine how your game will change when you start hitting your irons an extra 10, 15… even 20 yards…

Gaining TRULY effortless distance by eliminating the compression leaks that are robbing you of power…

Or when... after just a few, simple adjustments… you go from barely being able to make contact with the ball…

To puring your irons with laser-like control…

That's what Compression Will Do For Your Golf Swing...

Whether you’re an absolute beginner… or a 50-year veteran…

Whether you've got a handicap of 6… or 36…

And whether you’re in the best shape of your life… or you’re dealing with stiffness, aches, and pains…

It’s been 30 years since that round of golf with Tiger, but I never stopped searching for ways to get more compression…

And after three decades of studying, experimenting, and teaching, I’ve added a lot to my toolkit.

I teach this stuff to students every day, and I never get tired of seeing their faces light up when they properly compress a ball... sometimes for the very first time in their career!

When they get 15, 20, or even 25 yards of extra distance with their 5 iron… just by making a few simple adjustments to their swing.

Or the first time they feel the joy of a perfectly flushed iron that launches off the center of their clubface and fires like a rocket, straight at the pin.

I want you to experience that same joy in your game…

To see what you’re capable of when you eliminate your Compression Leaks, and finally harness ALL of the speed and power you’re generating in your swing...

Introducing the Compression Clinic

The Compression Clinic is the culmination of my 30-year obsession with gaining compression in the golf swing.

It’s everything I’ve learned as a player and coach, distilled down to 80 minutes of game-changing instruction.

You’ll master the 3 Pillars of Compression, and learn the... 

simple adjustments that give you massive compression on your very next swing

You’ll get my very best drills, battle-tested and proven effective in thousands of student lessons...

And I’ll help you avoid the common mistakes I see on the lesson tee every day.

I’ve done all the hard work for you, condensing decades of experience to give you the benefits of compression without the years of struggle.

You'll learn to compress the ball properly, so you can FINALLY hit perfectly flush irons that fly 15 to 25 yards farther than you've ever hit them before...

And turn your chunks, tops, and thins, into crisp, clean shots that consistently hit the dead center of the clubface.

The Compression Clinic is a fool-proof roadmap for adding compression to your golf swing

It’s like having me right there by your side, guiding you through the entire process.

Actually it’s even better, because you’ll have lifetime access to this powerful coaching so you can watch, and rewatch, as many times as you need.

Look... I’ve been teaching for 25 years, so I’m a huge believer in in-person lessons…

But I also know they don’t work with everyone’s budget, and unless you’re in Southern California, traveling to see me in-person might not be a realistic option.

Plus let’s be honest…

Live lessons are great for personalized feedback, but when you factor in the time warming up and hitting balls, they aren’t the most efficient way to learn new concepts.

It would take WEEKS of in-person lessons to cover everything in this course… and you’d be looking at spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

But when you sign up for the Compression Clinic, you’re getting 80 minutes of pure instruction... And in less than a minute, you can start putting these powerful concepts to use…

All at a tiny fraction of the cost to learn this stuff in person.

So here’s the deal…

The Compression Clinic is brand new, and to make it affordable for everyone, we’re setting the price at just $67…

The program is a steal at $67...

That’s less than half of what you’d pay for a single in-person lesson, where truth be told, we’d barely scratch the surface of what you're getting with this powerful training…

For less than a box of Pro V1s, you can say goodbye to your chunks, tops, and thins for good… and start hitting the most consistently pure, flush irons of your life.

So click the link below to secure your spot and get instant, lifetime access at this incredible price…

Your Order Is Fully Backed By Our 365-Day, Money-Back Guarantee

Here’s how it works…

Sign up today and dive right in…

Go through the lessons, practice the drills, and see for yourself what it does for your game…

If you’re not consistently hitting crisp, clean iron shots that explode off the clubface...

If you don’t eliminate virtually all of your fat and thin shots, and start making perfectly flush contact like you’ve never felt before…

Or if you simply decide it’s not for you... for any reason at all… just let us know for a full refund of your purchase price… no questions asked.

And you have a full 365 days to decide.

The bottom line is this: at the end of the day, it’s all about results… And if the Compression Clinic doesn’t get YOU the results you want in your game?

Well, then quite frankly, I don’t deserve your hard-earned money. It’s as simple as that.

the compression clinic is fixing golfers' contact issues

The Compression Clinic brand new, and it's already fixing contact issues...

Helping golfers make consistent contact, right in the center of the clubface...

And adding 10+ yards of distance... the very first time golfers are testing it out on the range!

Which means if you sign up right now, you could be hitting better iron shots by this time tomorrow.

And it all starts when you click the link below to secure your copy right now!

OK, we’ve made it this far…

If you think about it, you’re now in a spot very similar to the one I found myself in 30 years ago after my round with Tiger…

You’ve just discovered that compression… something you probably haven’t spent a ton of time thinking about before…

…might just be the most important thing in all of golf.

And since we’ve come to the end here…

The Ball's Now in Your Court...

The way I see it, you’ve got three choices you can make right now…

You can forget all about this lesson and go right back to the golf game you had an hour ago…

The same mishits… same mistakes… and all of the same frustrations.

If that’s your choice, I wish you all the best… but something tells me if you made it this far, you already know that’s not your best option…

The next choice you can make is to take in this new information about compression…

…and chart your own path forward.

And once again, if that’s your choice, then I wish you all the best…

But I’d also HIGHLY recommend you bookmark this page right now, because there’s a really good chance you’re going to want to revisit this page once you see what that path entails…

And that brings us to your third option...

You can do what I did after making my big discovery about compression… GET TO WORK creating it in your swing!

That choice led me to playing the best golf of my life…

And you’ve already got a MAJOR advantage compared to where I started from…

You don’t have to figure it all out on your own!

You’ve got the Compression Clinic to guide you through the EXACT process... step-by-step.

The Compression Clinic is brand new, but it’s based on techniques I’ve been developing for a VERY long time…

I’ve been teaching students how to create compression on the lesson tee for 25 years now… and was working on it in my OWN game for an additional 5 years before that.

And after 30 years of studying, experimenting, and good old fashioned trial and error around this exact topic, I’ve developed a pretty insane toolkit for creating compression in your golf swing.

And that’s why I can confidently say that no matter HOW much you’re struggling with your iron swing right now…

If you successfully implement the simple adjustments I show you in the Compression Clinic…

You Won’t Have Any Choice But To Start Making Perfectly Flush Contact On Your Very Next Swing

You’ll be stepping up to the ball with complete confidence, knowing you have all the tools you need to consistently stripe your irons right at the pin…

Hitting more greens every round and attacking pins you never would have even LOOKED at before…

You’ll be addicted to that feeling of making crisp, clean contact, right in the dead-center of your clubface…

No more HOPING you make solid contact…

No more overthinking…

And no more desperately searching for answers…

stop SEARCHING for answers... and start HITTING better irons today

When you sign up for the Compression Clinic, you’ll be taking a GIANT step towards finally hitting perfectly flush iron shots…

And you’ll instantly be months, or even years ahead of where I was at this stage of the game…

You can say goodbye to the guesswork… the trial-and-error… and the constant tinkering that almost always results in “one step forward, two steps back” anti-progress.

And finally have a clear path to consistent, long-term game improvement.

And since it’s completely risk-free with our 365-Day money-back guarantee… doesn’t it make sense to at least give it a try?

Click the button below to sign up right now. Once you fill out the secure checkout page you’ll get instant access to the Compression Clinic in our membership area so you can get started right away.

Go through the lessons… head to the range… and dive right in!

See for yourself how easy it is to create more compression in your game… and see what it does to the quality of your approach shots!

And when you sign up right now, you can rest easy knowing…

your order is fully protected by our 365-day, money-back guarantee

Your Compression Clinic order is backed by our 365-Day, No-Questions-Asked, Money-Back Guarantee... which is exactly what it sounds like.

Sign up today, and if at any point in the next year you decide it’s not for you…

Simply let us know and we’ll provide a refund of your purchase price - no questions asked.

Just send an email to our support team at support@ballstrikingblueprint.com, and they will take care of you right away.

The way I look at it, it’s my job is to make a product so good you wouldn’t dream of returning it...

And if you’re not happy with the course... you shouldn’t have to pay me for it!

once you apply these simple techniques, you can say goodbye to your thin shots... fat shots... tops... even shanks... 

Inside the Compression Clinic you’ll learn 3 simple adjustments that turn weak, glancing blows into perfectly compressed balls that explode off the clubface…

On your very next swing.

You’ll be able to step up to the ball with unshakable confidence, knowing your contact issues are a thing of the past…

So you can finally stop worrying about embarrassing mis-hits like chunks… tops… and shanks…

You’ll start hitting more greens in regulation…

And shooting the scores you always dreamed of.

click the button below to get started with the consistency clinic

Click the button below, fill out the secure order form, and in less than 1 minute you’ll be inside the membership area with full, lifetime access to the Compression Clinic.

Dive right in and start watching the lessons…

Then head out to the course and start hitting the best iron shots of your life.

It really is that simple!

So stop overthinking it…

Stop spinning your wheels…

And grab the Compression Clinic right now by clicking the button below…

Picture this… You’re on the 18th fairway…

The pressure’s on, and you need a solid approach shot to seal the match. You pick out your target, step up to the ball, and take a smooth, confident swing... just like you’ve done all day.

The feeling of crisp, clean contact tells you you’ve flushed it again…

The ball launches off the clubface, and you watch it soar straight at the flag with that perfect, piercing trajectory.

It lands on the green, takes one big hop, and stops on a dime 10 feet from the pin.

Your playing partners look on in awe, wondering what magic you’ve discovered…

The truth?

It’s not magic… it’s compression.

Click the button below and let's see what compression can do for your golf swing!

P.S. Don’t forget that your order today is backed by our “bullet proof” 365-day money back guarantee. That means you have an entire year to test out The Compression Clinic for yourself. 

And if you're not consistently hitting the most perfectly flush iron shots of your life...

If you're not confidently attacking flags you never dreamed of going at before...

…Or if you’re unhappy for any reason at all, just let me know and I personally guarantee a prompt and full refund.

No questions asked.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so go ahead, click the button below and give it a try. You’ll be glad you did!

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