
One of the Most Sought-After Instructors on the Planet Finally Goes Public With His...

5-Step Formula That Adds Up to 40+ Yards of Effortless Distance to Your Drives at ANY Age... While Straightening Out Your Slice, Improving Your Contact, and Helping You Find the Fairway With Freakish Consistency...

No matter your age, height, flexibility, handicap, or current skill level...

There are TWO ways to gain distance off the tee…

The first - and the one most golfers focus on - is to increase your club head speed…

But increasing your swing speed isn’t easy, especially as we get older and our bodies don’t move the way they once did.

Plus if you’ve ever stepped up to the ball and taken a big ol’ rip at it, you know exactly how this usually turns out…

Sure you might get lucky and connect with one once in a while… But 9 times out of 10 you lose your balance…

You mess up your tempo…

Your swing gets sloppy…

And you make poor contact with the ball.

Which means even when you DO manage to swing it faster, it rarely translates into reliable distance you can count on.

Fortunately there’s an ENTIRELY different approach…

One that doesn’t require strength, flexibility, youth, height, mobility, or pain-free joints to start hitting…

The Longest, Straightest, Purest BOMBS of Your Life...

All while gaining more control, straightening out your slice, and finding the fairway with shocking regularity.

And believe it or not… you don’t even need to add a SINGLE mile per hour of club head speed for this all to work.

Sound too good to be true?

That’s what I thought too… but just sit back and let me show you how this whole thing works.

Here we have 2 drives that I pulled from a recent student lesson…

It’s the same golfer, using the same equipment, and both swings clocked in at the same club head speed (102.5 and 101.5 mph)…

Now if it was just about club head speed, you’d expect these two drives to go roughly the same distance…

But instead we see that the swing on the right produced a whopping 40.6 yards of extra carry!

So what’s going on here? And what does it tell us about hitting long drives?

Well, the first thing it shows us is that club head speed is only PART of the story. Clearly there are other factors at impact that play an important role...

And as we’re about to see, when it comes to hitting long drives, these other factors are just as - if not MORE - important than your swing speed.

In fact, understanding and controlling these other factors is nothing short of...

A Secret Weapon For Hitting Long Drives at ANY Age...

So let’s take a closer look!

First up is your Club Path, which is the direction your club is moving at impact...

Our first swing had a club path that was 13.5 degree left of the target, while the second swing was 4.9 degrees right of target.

Now as you probably know, the club path is a major factor in determining the curvature of your shot… and it’s the reason our first swing produced the left-to-right slice pattern you see on the shot trace.

But we also know that slices cost us distance, especially with the driver, which means the club path explains part of the 40 yard discrepancy we saw between these two shots...

Next up is your Vertical Launch, which measures the trajectory of your shot.

Just like it does when you're throwing a ball, the trajectory of your drive plays a key role in how far it goes…

Too low and you get a ground ball… too high and you get the pop up that lands short…

Only when it’s just right do you get the maximum combination of carry and roll.

Next up is your Spin Rate, which is how much backspin we put on the ball.

Backspin affects your driving distance in two important ways…

It helps determine how far your ball rolls once it hits the ground… and it also affects how your ball flies through the air.

Too much backspin causes your ball to “upshoot” or balloon… robbing you of carry distance by sending it on too high of a trajectory.

And finally we have your Smash Factor.

Your Smash Factor measures how much ball speed you produce relative to your club head speed… but in simple terms it tells us how solidly we strike the ball.

And as you can see below, even small changes in this number have an enormous impact on how far your drives go.

In our student example above, the smash factors were 1.34 and 1.49… a major reason the 2nd swing produced an extra 40 yards of carry, even with the same club head speed!

OK, so we’ve seen how your club path, vertical launch, spin rate, and smash factor all contribute to how far your drives go…

In fact, when it comes to getting distance off the tee, these 4 factors are just as, if not MORE important than your swing speed…

And That's Great News, Especially for Golfers in Their 60's, 70's... or Even 80's

Because let’s be honest... most of us will never match the club head speed of long-hitters like Dustin Johnson, Bryson DeChambeau, or Rory McIlroy. Our age, size, and athletic ability place certain physical limits on how fast we can swing the club.

But you don’t need strength to increase your launch angle…

You don’t need flexibility to shift your club path a few degrees…

And you don’t need youth, height, or pain-free joints to optimize your spin rate and smash factor.

All of these variables are well within your control, and often with simple adjustments that you can make in a single session at the range!

And that means ANYONE can gain serious distance off the tee, no matter your age, size, strength, mobility, handicap, flexibility, or current ability level…

And all without spending a second in the gym, enduring painful stretching routines, or completely overhauling your swing.

And When You Gain Distance Off the Tee, Your Scores Will Start to Drop Like a Rock

It’s no secret that hitting longer drives will lower your scores, but almost every golfer I meet vastly underestimates just how important it is.

Maybe you’ve been told that playing great golf is all about the short game…

Or that you should spend as much time on the practice green as you do at the range…

And I’m sure you’ve heard this old gem a couple hundred times… “Drive for show, putt for dough.”

That one’s been repeated so many times most golfers take it as gospel…

But guess what… it’s dead-wrong!

In fact, if you study the numbers you will quickly discover that distance off the tee is one of the MOST important factors for lowering your scores.

And when you stop and think about it, it’s easy to see why…

Take our example from earlier, where my student picked up an extra 40 yards of distance just by tweaking a few factors about his impact…

Out on the golf course that puts you 40 yards closer to the green… which means you’re hitting more short irons and wedges on your approaches, and less hybrids and fairway woods.

It means you’re hitting more greens, and leaving yourself shorter putts for birdie and par…

And it means reaching longer par 4’s… and maybe even some of the par 5’s in two.

Or just take a look at this data from the USGA…

What it shows is crystal-clear… better players hit longer drives, and longer drives lead to better scores.

It’s also why it’s no coincidence that the best players on tour tend to be among the very longest…

Just think of the top golfers from the last decade… guys like Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy, Brooks Koepka, Dustin Johnson, and Jon Rahm. What do they all have in common?

They all hit the ball a long, LONG way.

But What About Accuracy? Isn't it More Important to Find the Fairway Than to Hit it Far?

It’s a common misconception that there has to be a tradeoff between distance and accuracy…

The logic goes like this… the further you hit the ball, the further you can hit it into trouble.

But once again, the data shows us just the opposite is true… that players who hit the ball longer are actually MORE accurate.

The reason is simple…

It’s because hitting long drives isn’t just about swinging faster… it’s about hitting it BETTER.

It’s about learning to make solid, consistent contact on the sweet spot of the club face...

Eliminating mis-hits like tops, chunks, and pop-ups…

And straightening out your distance-robbing slice.

And here’s the thing… these are the VERY SAME THINGS that make you more accurate...

Which means when you add distance the RIGHT way - the way I’m going to show you today - you won't just be hitting the ball farther… you’ll be hitting it straighter as well!

Now you might be thinking...

This All Sounds Great, But Will it Really Work for ME? I'm too Old... I'm too Stiff... Plus I've Got That Nagging Pain in My Lower Back...

Listen, there’s no point in denying reality…

We all know that we lose some strength, some flexibility, and some mobility as the years go by…

And while it’s always a good idea to exercise, to stretch, and to maintain your physical fitness… there are far more qualified people out there to help with that.

And that’s why I’m not going to ask you to swing any harder…

To make a bigger shoulder turn…

Or to lengthen your backswing in order to hit longer drives.

Besides, there is SO much distance to be gained in ways that have nothing to do with hitting the gym or signing up for your local yoga class.

And unless you’re the 1 golfer out of 1,000 whose impact is already perfectly optimized for distance, you can be sure you’re sitting on extra yards that are just waiting to be tapped into.

Now I can’t promise to increase your strength or get you moving like your 20-year-old self again, but I am 100% positive… No matter your age, strength, or handicap… that you CAN make minor adjustments to your impact and start converting the club head speed you DO have into more yards down the center of the fairway.

And fortunately I’ve got just the man for the job…

Introducing Tom Stickney...

Tom Stickney is no ordinary golf pro, and one look at his resume will show you why...

He’s been recognized as a Golf Magazine Top 100 Teacher, a Golf Digest Top 50 International Instructor, and has served as Director of Instruction at some of the most exclusive country clubs in the world…

I’m talking about clubs with 6 and 7-figure initiation fees, where his clients have included A-list celebrities, Fortune 500 CEOs, members of congress, and touring professionals.

He’s one of the most sought-after coaches on the planet, and it’s all thanks to his reputation for delivering real results, fast.

And nowhere is this more true than when it comes to hitting the long ball.

Tom has spent the last 3 decades developing and perfecting the Power Potential Progression, a 5-step process that will optimize your impact for maximum length off the tee, while at the same time straightening out your slice, improving your contact, and helping you find the fairway with more consistency.

And he’s been using it to help everyone from complete beginners to scratch golfers transform their game by finding distance off the tee that they didn’t even know they were capable of.

Here's How it Works...

This 5-step process WILL increase your swing speed, but more importantly it will improve your impact so that whatever club head speed you DO have, you can be sure you’re converting it into the maximum number of yards physically possible.

Here’s how it works…

STEP 1: Control the Curvature

90% of golfers slice their driver, and it’s a major reason they don’t get the distance they’re capable of.

And that’s why Step 1 is learning to control the curvature of your shots.

You will permanently eliminate your slice, and add serious distance to your tee shots… all without swinging the club any harder, and regardless of your age, size, or flexibility.

This step ALONE can easily add 10 to 15 yards of distance to your drives… and potentially much more if you are suffering from a serious slice.

But just as important, it will help you find the fairway more often too.

STEP 2: Pivot & Connection

The large muscles in your hips and torso are the primary power source in your golf swing…

But Step 2 of the Power Potential Progression isn’t about making a bigger shoulder turn, increasing your weight transfer, or any of the other common tips you read in the golf magazines…

Instead it’s about taking whatever power you’re already generating in your swing, and making sure it’s being transferred as efficiently as possible out through your arms and into the club head.

Think of it like this…

Your hips and torso are the engine of your golf swing, and your arms are the transmission…

And just like your transmission needs to be in the right gear to reach top speed in your car, your body and arms need to be synched up and working together in order to deliver maximum power out to the golf ball.

The key here is connection… connecting your arms to your torso so that they capture all of the power you're generating and transfer it efficiently into the club head.

This will help you create balance and rhythm, and ultimately give you that effortless feeling of making consistent, solid contact.

STEP 3: Club Head Speed

When people talk about a club head speed of 82 mph… or 112 mph… what they’re really referring to is the club head speed at impact.

But of course in an actual golf swing, we know that the club head speed is changing continuously

It starts at zero at the top of your backswing… picks up speed in the downswing… maxes out somewhere near the bottom… and then finally decelerates all the way up to your finish.

Now as you could probably guess, the goal is to have your peak club head speed happen right at impact so that the FULL amount gets converted into ball speed and launches your shot down the fairway.

But many golfers reach their peak speed early, which means their club has already started decelerating before it reaches impact… and this means they’re only delivering a fraction of their total club head speed into the ball.

They’re still working just as hard to generate their full club head speed of, say, 100 mph… but they’re only getting the benefit of the 95 mph they deliver at impact!

And keep in mind it doesn’t take much… just 3 mph of club head speed is enough to knock 10 yards of distance off your drive.

And that’s what Step 3 of the Power Potential Progression is all about.

Tom will give you a simple drill to make sure you reach your peak club head speed right when it counts… as your club head smashes into the back of the ball.

STEP 4: Angle of Attack

We’ve covered a lot of ground, and by the time you reach this point in the process you could easily have added 20+ yards to your drives…

But we’re not done yet!

Next up is your Angle of Attack, which is the vertical direction of your club path at impact… or in simple terms, whether you’re hitting up or down on the ball.

Most golfers never think about it, but it plays a HUGE role in determining how far your ball goes because it directly affects a number of important factors such as your spin rate and launch angle.

And that’s what Step 4 is all about… You’ll learn how to create the proper Angle of Attack to achieve the high launch / low spin rate ball flight that maximizes your carry distance and roll.

STEP 5: Bringing it All Together

Take a deep breath because Step 5 is where we review everything you learned in the first 4 steps to make sure it sticks.

Tom will bring it all together, showing you how your club path, pivot & connection, club head speed, and angle of attack work together to squeeze every last bit of distance out of your swing. 

If you go through the 5 steps of Tom's Power Potential Progression I guarantee you will add at least 10 yards of distance to your drives… and probably much more.

And by the end your swing will be optimized to produce maximum yards off the tee, no matter your current age, size, strength, or flexibility...

That means no more hitting 3 wood or iron off the tee just because you don’t have the confidence to pull out the big stick…

No more embarrassment about being the short-hitter in your group…

And no more searching for answers, trying anything and EVERYTHING in a desperate attempt to finally figure it out.

Up until now, the only way to go through this powerful training was to shell out the small fortune it takes to go see Tom in person…

But the whole reason I started an online golf school in the first place was to reach as many students as possible, and help them play up to their potential by putting them in front of the coaches and trainings that wouldn’t be available to them otherwise…

And that’s why I was so excited when Tom agreed to let us turn on the cameras, film his Power Potential Progression, and turn it into an online program for golfers all over the world to learn from.

Introducing Tom Stickney's "Monster Drives"

Monster Drives is Tom’s long drive training program, and it’s designed to add 20, 30, or even 40+ yards of fairway-splitting distance to your tee shots.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or reigning club champion…

Whether you’re 25 years old or 85 years young…

And no matter your size, strength, or current length off the tee.

In less than one minute from now, you can sign into our membership site and get started because you’ll have instant, lifetime access to the entire course.

You’ll be able to watch this online video training from any computer, tablet, or smartphone… and you can watch and re-watch as many times as you want…

Inside the course Tom’s going to walk you through his entire Power Potential Progression, step-by-step as if he were right there standing by your side.

But we didn’t stop there…

You’ll learn about your equipment and how to optimize your distance without breaking the bank on a fancy new driver.

He also covers course conditions, including some simple adjustments to make when you’re hitting into a headwind, riding a downwind, and playing on hard or soft fairways.

You’ll discover the most common mistakes amateurs make when trying to gain distance, and how to avoid them in your game…

And you’ll get a ton of simple drills that have been tested on the lesson tee and proven to add distance, fast.

And finally, Tom will show you his “Funnel Focus” technique for handling the pressure of standing on the first tee… or the nerves on 18 when the match is on the line.

Monster Drives has everything you need to maximize your distance…

To straighten out your slice and find more fairways…

And to consistently launch bomb after bomb with the unshakable confidence of knowing you’re in complete command from the tee box.

But just to make sure we left NO stone unturned, we decided to throw in a few extra bonus trainings at no extra cost…

Bonus #1: 7 Days to Longer Drives

The “meat and potatoes” of Monster Drives is Tom’s 5-step process for permanent, long-term improvements to your driver swing…

But I know sometimes you just want the QUICKEST help you can get… something you can watch in the cart on the way to the next tee to start hitting the ball further right away. And that’s exactly what the 7 Days to Longer Drives bonus videos is all about.

This series consists of the 7 easiest and fastest ways to add distance to your golf swing, period. Designed to be watched in bite-sized chunks over 7 days, you won’t believe how simple it can be to unlock a few extra yards without making major swing changes!

7 Days to Longer Drives is designed to jump-start your progress with 7 quick lessons you can incorporate today. Each lesson is under 2 minutes long, and is something you can implement right away.

Bonus #2: Student Lessons with Tom

In addition to the core training video, Monster Drives includes 2 bonus videos where Tom works with students just like you to pick up extra yards off the tee.

You’ll have a front row seat where you’ll see exactly how he teaches these ideas in his private lessons… It’s the next best thing to a live lesson in person!

The first lesson is with our very own Aaron Stackhouse, who at the time of filming was fighting an occasional tendency to fade. Tom gives him a great “feel” drill to get him straightened out without getting bogged down in technical swing thoughts or overcomplicating his approach.

The second lesson is with Ms. Hardy, a student of Tom’s who was suffering a more severe slice. Tom started with some drills to shift her club path more “in-to-out,” and followed that by focusing on her club face control. If you suffer from a slice, you’re going to love this lesson!

OK we've come this far, now we need to talk about price.

But first I want to make you a promise...

Monster Drives Comes With A 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

I know you will absolutely LOVE Monster Drives if you just give it a try… and I know it will add SERIOUS distance to your tee shots.

But I also understand if you still have doubts… maybe you’ve purchased things in the past that haven’t lived up to the hype.

And that’s why when you sign up for Monster Drives today it comes with our 365-day money-back guarantee.

If you don’t add 10, 20, or even 30+ yards of distance to your drives…

If it doesn’t eliminate your slice, quickly and permanently…

Or if you just decide it isn’t for you… for ANY reason at all…

Just send a one-line email to support@ballstrikingblueprint.com (or give us a call at 866-688-4366) and we will provide a full refund of your purchase price… no questions asked.

You’ve got nothing to lose, and lots of yards to gain!

Monster Drives cost a small fortune to produce, and we’ve been working around the clock for months to put the whole thing together for you.

We hired a professional film crew to direct, film, and edit the footage, and spent thousands more on the highest quality camera, audio, and lighting gear…

On top of that there’s the ongoing costs of maintaining the website and running the business.

But my goal has always been to help as many golfers as possible… and that means keeping my programs affordable for everyone… sound fair?

OK, good.

But first I want to ask you a question…

How much would it be worth to step onto the first tee in just a few short weeks with a completely transformed driver swing?

To permanently eliminate your slice…

To add 10, 20, or even 30+ yards to your tee shots…

And to stand over the ball with complete confidence that you’re going to stripe the ball dead-straight down the middle of the fairway?

Seriously, how much would it be worth?

It would take weeks of in-person lessons to cover all of the material you’re going to get in Monster Drives… and at Tom's going rate, you’d be looking at spending well over $1,000 for this same information.

And that’s not even factoring in travel or hotel costs…

But like I said, my goal is to reach as many golfers as possible, and that means you’re not going to pay anything close to that amount…

In fact you’re not even going to pay the rate for a single in-person lesson with Tom…

That's because when you sign up today, you can get the entire package for a one-time payment of just $97...

If you're looking for more distance off the tee, this program is an absolute no-brainer at $97.

That’s less than a couple dozen premium golf balls...

Far less than the cost of that shiny new driver...

And you couldn’t even get a single lesson from a top level instructor for that little…

And let's be honest... none of those are going to make a lasting difference on the quality of your drives.

So don’t delay, click the button below right now, fill out the secure order form on the next page, and in just minutes you will have complete access!

Here's Everything You're Getting When You Sign Up for Monster Drives Today

Tom Stickney's Monster Drives Core Training 

Discover Tom's 5-Step Power Potential Progression for optimizing your impact for MONSTER Drives.

Value $383 $97

7 Days to Longer Drives

The absolutely quickest distance help you can get... Bite-sized tips designed to be watched in 2 minutes or less that will give you a simple and fast way to pick up a few extra yards without making major changes to your swing!

Value $47 FREE

Student Lessons with Tom

Mini-lessons with 2 students where you get a front row seat as Tom teaches these concepts in his private lessons...

Value $47 FREE

Instant, lifetime access to all of the Monster Drives course materials in our membership website. Access from your computer, tablet, or smart phone at any time.

365-Day No-Questions-Asked Money Back Guarantee. Your order is 100% secure.

Right Now You Have a Decision to Make That Will Have a Profound Effect On Your Golf Game...

If you think about it, you’re standing at a fork in the road right now.

You can forget that you ever saw this and go back to your current golf game with all of its frustrations and struggles.

Losing a couple more yards of distance off the tee with each year that goes by...

Or you can sign up right now and and learn how to squeeze every last possible yard out of your driver...

Add an effortless 20-30 yards to your tee shots...

And set yourself up for shorter approaches to every green.

Doesn’t that sound a lot better? Of course it does.

So go ahead and click the button at the bottom of this page and in a matter of minutes you’ll be on your way to hitting Monster Drives.

Let’s get started!

P.S. Don’t forget that your order today is backed by our “bullet proof” 365-day money back guarantee. That means you have an entire year to test out Monster Drives for yourself. 

And if it doesn't add 10, 20, or more yards of effortless distance to your tee shots...

If it doesn't quickly and permanently straighten out your slice...

…Or if you’re unhappy for any reason at all, just let me know and I personally guarantee a prompt and full refund.

No questions asked.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so go ahead, click the button below and give it a try. You’ll be glad you did!

Copyright © AZ Golf LLC. All Rights Reserved.