
Be Careful When Trying to Add Lag to Your Golf Swing…


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Wrist angles are super important in the golf swing, as they directly affect the position and movement of your club.

A common pitfall to avoid is deliberately trying to add too much lag to your swing.

We’ve all heard that more lag is good, so it’s an understandable mistake to make…

The problem is the same extreme wrist angles that maximize lag also steepen the club shaft… the exact opposite of the Magic Move that is so critical in your swing!

For this reason I always check my students’ wrist angles to make sure they are allowing for… even encouraging the most important technique of all – shallowing the club in transition.

So test out today’s lesson for yourself… it’s small adjustment that can have a big impact on your game.

And if you’re ready for more, you’ll definitely want to check out my Ballstriking Blueprint training program. I’ve dedicated an entire section to the crucial role of the wrists, including common mistakes to avoid and drills you can use at home.

Click Here for The Ballstriking Blueprint