
Lead With Your Hips

Today’s lesson is all about initiating your downswing the proper way – by leading with your hips.

This is one of the most critical pieces to the golf swing… In fact, Ben Hogan went as far as to call it the defining difference between amateur and pro golfers.

Check out the video below, which includes a cool little drill you can practice to learn the proper hip motion… plus a little bonus lesson from Ben Hogan!

Remember to start slow with this drill… get the feeling by hitting some small chip and pitch shots and then gradually work up to full swings. The alignment rod in your belt will give you a better awareness of where your hips are.

The feeling you are going for is:

  • Downswing starts with the hips
  • Hips lead all the way through to the finish
  • Hips are cleared and open to the target at impact (45 degrees open or even more!)
  • Hips finish the swing early
  • Impact feels “delayed”

Don’t worry if it feels awkward at first… believe it or not that is a good thing because it means you are doing something different than you normally do!