Lesson #2: The Proof!

Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed that!

Even though I've seen it hundreds of times, it never ceases to amaze me how quickly students are able to improve their ball flight just by working on flattening the club in transition.

Here are the before and after numbers for each of the students:

Now of course these students are going to have to keep practicing to really groove these changes... but I thought it was really cool to see the power of this idea and how quickly you can see real gains in distance and accuracy!

Watch the FULL student lessons...

Each student lesson was 20-30 minutes long - so obviously we had to cut them down to fit into today's video.

But there's a way you can watch all 3 lessons - in their entirety - plus an additional 4th lesson that we didn't have time to include here...

That's over 2 hours of lessons, and here's the best part... you can get access to them for free as bonus videos when you sign up for my Ballstriking Blueprint training program!

That's it for today, but stay tuned because we have much more coming your way! In the next video, I'm going to give you some powerful drills you can use right from the comfort of your own home.